About Me

Who am I?


My background

Growing up in Texas, I always wanted to be a freelance travel photographer. Upon receiving a B.A. in fine arts, I set out on an adventure that took me sailing around South America, living in a van in New Zealand, and then around Asia where I ended up in South Korea working as an English Teacher. After a few years in education, I felt like something was missing, so I decided to go back to school to become a software engineer.

Computer Science

In 2022, I enrolled at Oregon State University as a CS Postbacc student. My courses have pushed me to grow, ignited my love for problem solving and critical thinking, and fulfilled me in a way I've never experienced in my professional career. I love that coding allows me to wield both logic and creativity to tackle unique problems.



When I'm not working or coding, I can be found café hopping on my search for the perfect cup of coffee or out and about traveling and taking pictures. I love street photography and capturing beautiful images of the world around me and I get out and shoot regularly and occasionally exhibit my work.